Wednesday, 16 May 2018

The Joy Of Separation

Separation means to set apart or aside. If anyone will be used of God especially in a complicated and carnal world like this, such an individual must learn the principle of separation.
You cannot mingle with everyone that comes your way, live or imitate the life style of everyone around you, or pattern your life according to the pattern of this world and expect to be used by God.
I know you want to ask me what the pattern of this world is. Colossians chapter three verse five states them and they include fornication (sex before marriage), which has become a norm in our 21st Century. Girls no longer see virginity as a virtue. Unmarried people living together like husband and wife now looks normal. Girls getting pregnant and having child/ children for a guy they are not married to now call themselves ‘baby mamas’. This is sinful and unacceptable before God.
There is more listed in that verse:
  • LUST: You see two people meeting for the first time, confessing ‘love’, and becoming sexually active or having erotic feelings towards each other; such is called ‘lust’.
  • EVIL DESIRES: Isn’t it real these days? The manner in which people carry out an evil act towards each other is heart-breaking .Boys killing girls or damaging their lives because of unreasonable reasons and vice versa. Cultists hacking fellow human to death like a piece of paper all in the name of fight.
  • GREED: You see girls selling their body because of money because of the desire to look good and sophisticated. Boys are dabbling into many evil deeds like stealing, internet fraud, money rituals, etc. just to make money and satisfy their material quest.
All these and many more are patterns of the world and sadly to say, ‘we’ are beginning to live with it. They are becoming part of our lifestyle. However, permit me to say, such lifestyles destroy great destines; it makes people who practices such to be vulnerable to the devil and his demons. Some of them die untimely and mysteriously, and often time such death might be avoidable if one decides to live rightly and be separated unto God.
So what am I saying here?
The principle of separation unto God makes you live a fulfilled life. Because when you separate yourself unto God, he orders your steps and empowers you to fulfill destiny; to do things you never could have imagined you can do. When you separate yourself unto God, He guides you from all evil and beautifies you with glory. There are many more benefits you stand to gain when you separate yourself unto God.
Now the next question is how do I separate myself unto God?
  • Desist from evil communications. Bible says that evil communications corrupt good manners (1 Corinthians 15: 33). So who are your friends and what do you discuss when you are together?
If you know your clique of friends are bad, wayward, greedy, immoral, etc., separate yourself from them and do it prayerfully.
To be continued...

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