Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Joy Of Separation 3

Hi teens, how was the summer holiday? Hope you maximized it properly.
Let me digress a little. Time is life; never think it’s too early to start praying and planning for your future. Anytime you have such a long vacation, please try to use it to add value to yourself. It’s not all about family and friends visitation, neither is it a time for movies. Rather, acquiring a skill, going to a Bible School, spending time to pray and meditate on your future, etc. are better ways to spend your holidays.
I know this summer break is gone already, but I just want to challenge and provoke you not to always see your holidays as a leisure time, rather see it as a time to add more value to yourself and to prepare you for a glorious future. I hope you know that the future we are talking about here is closer than it was yesterday. Every day you step into draws you closer to your future. No wonder many people enter their future unprepared, they thought there was still time.
May I ask you, how would you love to spend your next holiday, especially the long summer holiday? Bare it in mind that you are not too young to start planning and preparing, it’s far better to start early than to start late. My dear, great future is not by accident. It involves prayer, hard work, discipline, sacrifice and determination. All of these I hope to discuss with you as time goes by.
Back to the topic of the day, let's look at the benefits of separation. I trust you have been following the teaching on separation. By now, you should know that you need to be separated unto God because you need God more than He needs you. He made us and He owns the key to our future, as the devil has no good plan or future for you. The more you waste your time pleasing the devil, the more you are far from the plan and purpose of God for your life. Both God and the devil are interested in you but it is left to you to decide who wins the race in your life. For God to win, you need to be separated unto Him. Let your lifestyle, communication, and character distinguish you from the people of the world.
See what the Word of God says about separation:
Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." "I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 NKJV
What more can one asks for? Do you know what it means for God Almighty to refer to you as His son/ daughter? Will a father watch his child to be molested, denied of his/her entitlements, etc.? Do not let anybody deceive you, there are much more to gain when you decide to be separated unto God. Until you enter that realm, you will not know that there are more benefits than you can imagine.
In all, determine to be separated unto God. Do not let the devil waste you as he does to disobedient children. Rather, stand for God, be sold out to Him and see how He will make you a living wonder. It starts with you separating yourself unto Him. Are you ready?