Dear teenagers, hope the previous article
blessed you. Remember that the things you expose your mind to either through
sight or ears play a major role in shaping your life, either positively or
negatively. Your exposure affects your choice or decision, and your choice and
decision determine your Future. So be careful of what you expose yourself to.
This stage of
your life is very crucial to your future because at this stage of your life,
your mind becomes more active than before;
you gradually begin to build up your own ideas, views and attitudes
about life. Such ideas and views gradually build up a new attitude in you,
either good or bad, and they determine your sense of choice and decision.
Let me tell you about 'DESIRE' and how it
affects your Life. The word of God in
Psalms 145:16 says;
‘Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest
the desire of every living thing.’ (KJV)
If God decides to grant you your heart
desires now, what will be your lot? Do not think Desire is for old people. As a
teenager, you need to start desiring the kind of life you want to live, the
kind of career, home, social and spiritual life you want. One thing to possess always
is desire, a longing to grow and be better. Where desire is lacking, experience
will be lacking. Therefore, if you do not desire to improve in an area or long
for positive experiences, it is quite unlikely to live it. The word unlikely is
being used as against impossible because there might still be some filter of
experiences that might come your way. They might occur one way or the other; it
is still possible due to the factor of time and chance.
Life is too short to be lived by chance!
Do not leave your Future to chances or
trial and error. Rather, start building your Future now from your mind and
that's ‘DESIRE’.
Your life has a way of attracting the
things you desire. Therefore, you need to be careful of what you desire. Let
your desire be positive and consistent. I'll give you an example of the power
of desire. I have a sister that has always desired a baby girl as her first
Child even before she was married. Lo and behold, she delivered a baby girl
first after she got married. As for me, I've always desired to be an
entrepreneur and to marry a godly man, and I got that. So what do you Desire?
The aforementioned instances might seem ‘simple’; no detail about your life is
actually simple as they all contribute to make and define your life.
It’s time you started building a great and
positive picture of your academics, career, family, community service and
spiritual service. Having such picture in mind will shape your prayers, choices
and keep you going even when the tide seems contrary.
Many successful people you admire today had
lived their today in their mind yesterday and are already living out their
tomorrow in their mind today.
Even though not all our desires are met,
you cannot be too sure which will be met or not. So please keep building your
Future right from your mind. Be positive about life, be consistent in your
desires and see how you will miraculously see them Manifest in your life.
‘Finally, brethren, whatever things are
true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are
pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there
is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.’
4:8 (NKJV)
the next time, be exposed to positive and godly things that will help you
desire positively. Be careful of what you read, see and what you hope for
(which is called DESIRE).
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