Now that you have started your journey of life with prayer, then you need to realize the power of vision. Vision is your foresight about your future, it simply means where and how you see yourself in the nearest future. So if I may ask, where do you see yourself in the nearest future? How do you see yourself in the future? What do you see yourself doing in the nearest future?
Living without a vision equals to roaming about in darkness. Imagine if you have to walk within a house with your eyes closed?You may fall and fall very bad. You may be fortunate not to fall. Nothing guarantees your success in the house when your eyes are closed. That is what happens when you live without a vision, without a foresight of what, where and how you want to live your life in the future.
So have you got a vision? If no then lets discuss how vision can be birthed. You just don’t sit and birth a vision because you watch a movie and you like something about a character that touches you so much, and you want to be like him/her. Vision is an inspiration from God Almighty and when He gives you that inspiration about something you should do, He gives you peace of mind, enhances your level of confidence that enables you to do it. Then inside of you are potentials and talents that are needed to actualize the vision. Major benefits of God given vision are that you are sure that He will help you, give you grace to move on in the face of difficulties and He surely will prosper you at the end if you stay faithful to the vision.
We must know that some people develop their vision and stay true to it, but it is best when you wait on God to give you a vision to run with, because you may not have His support or grace to run a vision He didn’t give you. Sometimes you may be frustrated out of the vision when challenges come. A self-oriented vision is not likely to bring you fulfillment at the end, even when you have prospered and acquired wealth. That is why we have many unhappy millionaires today.
I guess you will be thinking that how do you know when it is a God given vision?
God speaks to us in diverse ways, through His word, prophets, dreams, visions or trance. He can even speak audibly to you. However, He speaks to those who have a relationship with Him, especially those who are passionately expecting to hear from Him. In addition, when He speaks to you, He gives you peace of mind that assures you that you are on the right track.
My dear friends, when you start your journey with God praying to Him, wait on Him for a vision to run with, you will never regret doing so in Jesus’ name.