Tuesday 4 December 2018

Examine Your Fruit

My dearest teenagers, how has the year been for you? What lessons have you learnt? What mistakes did you make? What success did you achieve?
The best way to maximize your counting years is by sitting down to take account of your life from up until now. What areas did you fail woefully? Is it in your academics or in your personal relationship with God? I hope you know that having a personal relationship with God is different from being committed to church programs. Your personal relationship with God includes your personal prayer life, study life, devotion to God and obedience to His word.
How has been your moral life? Did you join your friends or schoolmates to engage in ungodly and unprofitable relationships? Did you engage in wayward activities that your parent weren’t even aware of? Have you lived in lies and deceit?
My beloved, if you were to rate your lifestyle and achievements in the last year on the scale of one to ten, what would you score? God is a God of many chances, but sometimes some people unfortunately run out of chance with him. What did you do wrong that you need to make right just before continuing your young life? What did you start and could not finish but you know you really should have finished it? What areas of your life need improvement and prayer?
Am I being too harsh? I do not want you to continue into your future with the same mistakes of the past. Rather learn from your errors, failures and mistake and make up your mind to be better off. In addition, for those areas you have done or/and doing greatly, I say kudos! Keep improving in such areas. Keep enjoying the mercies of God . Love you greatly.

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